Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ho Hum

None of us know what we are doing. Just when we think we have it figured out, our little ones chuck a wrench at our face just to make a point lol

A few days in a row, my toddler had a dry diaper after her nap. She was quite proud of herself. So I thought I would put her in a cloth diaper for her nap. She's never been in cloth diapers but I always hear that cloth diapered babies are easier to EC w and potty train. Well... She took the diaper off during her nap and peed all over her bed. Fail.

Put her back in disposables during her naps and, again, a few days in a row of dry diapers and she requested to wear undies to bed. So I let her but w a cloth diaper cover over just in case. Fail.

While we are out, she wears pull ups but she almost never uses them. Having an infant, I don't feel that I can always get her to the potty in time. It's so rare she uses her pull up that I really want to play with having big girl undies outings. She is in undies full time while awake at home. She takes herself to here lil potty or if she has to poo, she tells me so I put her on the toilet (no clue why she prefers it that way but super handy for mama!).

Dare I tempt fate and take her out of the house in undies?
Being an EC family, many of the potty training techniques get lost on us and our children but perhaps someone out there has tips for me! Much appreciated! :)

1 comment:

  1. I use a whole mattress waterproof pad, sheet, flat waterproof pad, then a flat non-fluffy quilt on top. That way when my son wets the bed, all I have to change is the quilt most of the time. It's also great for breastmilk leaks, baby drool, baby sweat, and vomit. If you come up with an easy system like this, then it's easy to just go with underpants at nap/bedtime. Cotton non-waterproof gerber trainers are awesome because they'll absorb a little, and keep some the wetness at your child's skin. We went to this system at 14 or 15 months. My son continues to wet the bed once every 3 months or so. It just happened again yesterday. I was at Bunco when he fell asleep. I'm skeptical that dh may have no taken him potty before bed.

    For outings, totally go for it! Started that at 14 months. Usually in gerber trainer underwear and thick sweats for maximum absorbancy. I'd briefly offer the potty every 20 - 30 minutes after a successful potty or some wet pants. The wet pants weren't any more of a hassle than changing a diaper. Lots of wet pants for a couple weeks, then it quickly declined. He's *really* good at holding it now at 25 months. Wet pants are extremely rare. Can't remember the last time.

    I carried his little potty in a reusable grocery bag for a month or so, but then he magically began pottying in arms again when I forgot it once. He'll still potty in arms. It's so clean and amazing, except for when I aim wrong and make him pee on his pants. Mommy fail!

    The very first few underwear outings, I kept to 1 hour, then up to 2 hours. I'd wait until just after he peed, then make sure to be back home and offer as soon as we walked in the door. After a couple weeks of this, I tried bathrooms in public/at friends houses.

    Good luck!
