Thursday, August 1, 2013

ECing with a toddler and infant has left for little time to blog!

My newest baby is just over 3 months now.  We aren't regularly using the potty yet because I also have a toddler so it just a little rough to make the routine out of it.

That being said, I have caught several pees and a couple of poo's in the potty with my 3 month old!  It is so exciting and her big sister gets excited for her as well!

My oldest will be two soon and she is being kind of a stinker about the potty now.  Fortunately, she still poo's in the potty but we don't always catch pees.  She also signs for potty to get out of situations, either when she is scared, over stimulated, or in trouble.  When you tell her to go to time out, suddenly she has to go potty.  Of course she doesn't go unless you actually put her in time out.  Then she does just out of spite lol... oh the life of a toddler.  Today, she was unhappy with me because I was nursing my youngest and she really wanted me to read her a book (that I'd already read 3 times that hour).  Since I wouldn't get up to get the book, she went into her room and peed on the floor.  Well... at least she is communicating I guess...

She got out of the habit of wearing undies after the new baby came home but I have been finding that she does so much better if I have her in her undies and it helps keep me more in tune to her potty needs. I do like that she can sign potty and uses it when she is uncomfortable and just needs to go to a "safe" place though.