Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Elimination Communication with a Twist... and a drag

Today, I was doing many household chores while my almost 7 month old and 2 year old girls played with their toys in the living room.

My toddler yells repeatedly that the baby needs to use the potty.  I have heard that it is common that elimination communication siblings tend to also be in tune to when their younger siblings need to go.  Today was just one of those days I couldn't take advantage and proceeded to do what I was doing and tell my toddler I would be there in a minute.

As I finish my task, I hear my girls babbling a scuffling about (I assume just playing).  I take a peek at my girls and sure enough, my toddler has dragged my baby to the little potty I keep by the front door.  I run toward them, trying to conceal my laughter (I don't want to encourage my toddler to do this lol).  Once I am there, I absolutely can't hide my laughter.  My toddler had undressed the baby as well as take her cloth diaper cover off.  While looking around, I also see a clean diaper on the floor which tells me she was going to attempt to change her baby sister all by herself!

Through all of this process, my baby NEVER protested or cried.  I joke a lot that my toddler can't do wrong by my baby.  If she actually makes the baby cry then, holy moly, she must be doing something especially rough.

Sure enough, the baby had a SLIGHTLY wet diaper, to which I changed her and continued to get her dressed.  I also tried "talking" with my two year old that, though I appreciate her trying to help, to please not undress or drag sister about the room.

My toddler was quite proud of herself but agreed that she wouldn't do that again... though, she's two... I doubt she understood/meant it haha

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