Saturday, April 5, 2014

Updates on my 2.5 year old:

It's been a while since I've posted.  I finally remembered I should update this blog since I'm constantly answering questions related to EC!

My oldest is now 2.5 years old.  For over a year, she has been wearing big girl undies at home, diapers for sleep time, pull ups on the go.

Around 28 months, she started requesting big girl undies for outings.  I was hesitant but I very much want to just go with the flow on this.  The only miss I've had with her was when I thought daddy had taken her potty before hopping in the car to go to swim lessons.  We also learned that she isn't quite ready for undies when she is in someone else's care outside the home.  So when we go to church or the gym, she is in pull ups.  They are almost always dry but the one time we sent her to Sunday school in undies, she missed.

Around this time, she also decided she prefers her privacy all the time now.  We used to keep a potty in the living room (which, I recommend having a little potty accessible wherever their main play area is).  Well, one day, she picked the potty up, put it in the bathroom and went.  I tried putting the potty back (in the past, keeping the potty in the bathroom lead to a lot of misses) but she insisted it stay in the bathroom and that is where it has staid. :)

I've shared the various potty seats and potties we use.  She really likes her independence now so we got her a stool to climb up onto the "big potty" (toilet) around 29 months.  Still not quite coordinated, she could never get up on the potty in time so I took the stool away and let her continue to use the little potty.  A month later, I offered to let her use the stool again and now it's all she uses :D  I still have the little potty out for the baby though and now my toddler has occasionally decided to pee in the little potty and dump it into the big potty on her own... needless to say, it's messy.

She is still in diapers for bedtime.  I love her sleep habits and don't want to mess with that. She also doesn't get out of her toddler bed until we get her and I really like that habit as well.  My goal is around her 3rd birthday, I will put a potty in her room and have her sleep in overnight pull-ups.

I am open to suggestions if you have any, please comment!

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